As Miss Guyana World 2013 and competed in international pageant, Miss World Indonesia, she has big fans base in here. Her fans give her nick name “Mpok”. This is rare occasion. What her opinion about it and what her impression about Indonesia? This is our full interview.

Firstly, the best regards from Indonesian family, hello how are you?
Happy New Year!! I am fine thank you for asking.

We know, you was participated at charity specially collect toy for children, can you tell us about this event?
During the Christmas holidays I collaborated with two women Anita Mcgill and Dyonne Wharton who own a retail jewelry store in New York City Les Deux MS and they donated toys to the drive I had here in Guyana. I held two separate gift sharing exercises one in the Capital City Georgetown on Christmas Eve where I did door to door distribution of gifts in various areas and the other I treated over 50 kids in my hometown Linden to presents on Christmas Day. It was a liberating experience and such a joy to see the euphoria on the children’s faces, some of whom never receive a Christmas present before.

You know, you have many fans in Indonesia? How do you feel?
Yes I am made aware more and more every day of my Indonesian following. Even now that Miss World is over Indonesians would still message me on twitter or on my face book fan page sharing their love and encouraging me with their support I must thank them once again for their never ending loyalty. I really do have nothing but love in my heart for Indonesia, its people and everyone who has supported my journey and that of all the other miss world contestants thus far.

You're fans in Indonesia called you ''Mpok''. Mpok is refers to a sister from closed family. Are you ok about that? It’s mean they consider you be family J
Yes I’ve noticed J I seemed to have been given many nicknames throughout my pageant life, but I think I like this “Mpok” term it makes me feel even more cherished and it is how I wish everyone would see each other in the world as brothers and sisters. For me it is an honour to be referred to as such so once again thank you to my Indonesian family.

Talking about Miss World, you competed not only once time, what your impression about that event?
Overall it was the moments that I shared with the girls during the contest that left a lasting impression on me. Whether it was the time we awoke at sunrise to set out some baby turtles to sea, or our trip to the Bali Safari park, there were just so many moments to enjoy, I however did enjoy making my video logs for my multimedia page which captured a lot of my adventures during my time at miss world.

Talk me about the wonderful of Indonesia and you still remember right now??
Indonesia in one word for me was Breath taking, reading and researching photos online did not prepare me enough for what I witnessed with my naked eye. The golf courses were amazing, the theatres, the culture, the cuisine, the beaches, the temples, but above all the people were so accommodating and warm, in was like a hospitality heaven and I definitely have hopes of re visiting Indonesia one day, hopefully I’ll get to travel to some of the other islands as well.

Who's person, you are so respect during Miss World??
Ms Julia Morley she is truly an inspiration. For someone who had such a huge responsibility she was always accessible for us which made the contest seems more like a family meeting up in one forum and just learning and growing together rather than one person winning and another loosing. In terms of the contestants, I tried to get familiar with everyone, however I was closest to my roommate Miss Brazil (Sancler), she was like a sister to me, we cried and laugh together and grew very close before the pageant came to an end. Also there was Megan (Miss Philippines), Valerie (Miss Cameron), Anna (Miss Ukraine), Paulina ( Miss Namibia), Vania ( Miss Indonesia), Kirsty (Miss England) Ena (Miss Austria) Kurtis ( Miss BVI) among a lot of the other girls who I was very fond of  respected and liked a whole lot during the contest. However we were all in different groups so I did not get to be around all of the girls a lot. Not forgetting my awesome Chaperone Jandeira from Portugal.

For you, what the meaning of beauty? Tell us!
After rationalizing time and time again what beauty is I think my resolve is that beauty is the goodwill found within one’s heart. If one can manifest within themselves the willingness to do what’s right irrespective of circumstances and  have their inner light be an inspiration to others which in turn will help to generate a positive cycle of change within the world then that’s what being beautiful is all about and that is what beauty is. Our physical make up will come and go but a good spirit will always shine true and that will make the difference with how the world sees us for who we are, our hearts is what will separate each of us as human beings but at the same time it is our very same hearts that can keep us united.

What biggest change in your life, after you joined Miss World?
My outlook on life, my expectations and the way I go about dealing with situations. The experience has helped to open my eyes to my weaknesses and strengths and reinstall within me a greater sense of purpose. I believe one of the greatest changes since miss world however would be the realization that we as human beings are very much a like even in our differences and that we all yearn for the same things in life such as kindness, love, happiness, prosperity. It is with that knowledge that I now value with more gusto every person that enters my life and I try my utmost to extend whatever guidance or help I can to help make lives easier as well.

What you're big dream and you want to make it happened?
I have a lot of dreams too many to mention,( My music, My academics, My charity, My career, My book,  To own a horse one day)  some have materialized into a reality but I still have some road to cover. For now the dream just involves me continuing my work as Reigning Miss World Guyana and paving a good example for the queens to follow.
What do you want to say for you're fans in Indonesia specially DMIdaMW family?
I can’t wait to come back to Indonesia for a visit. You guys are amazing and have been cheering me one from day one. It’s amazing to know that you still cheer me on and for that I’ll be eternally grateful. I wish you lot all a Blessed New Year and I hope to meet you again some day. TO DMIdaMW family lots of love to you and thank you for the interview. Hugs

I think at end of our interview, we hope you always success and God bless you J Sweet greeting from DMIdaMW family.J

Interviewer: Okta Adetya, Kharel Ganiy


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